The i-Mannequin project aims to strengthen the collaboration between the computer software technologies and garments industries with a series of innovations. i-Mannequin was designed to provide to users who are highly skilled in clothing design the ability to accurately create new garment models in a short period of time, but also to enable non-skilled users to modify models producing personalized solutions. To achieve all of the above, the project intents to successfully complete a series of individual technological goals:
The construction of an innovative tool to digitally convert physical/virtual garments models into 2D digital patterns that can be used by both experienced and inexperienced users.
The creation of the first digital pattern model, which will be clearly defined and will be an essential element of the digitization of the physical/virtual garment design method.
The creation of new tools for visualization and parameterization of 3D and 2D garment models with an automatic adjustment of the 2D patterns.
Development of methods of fusing existing 2D garments patterns in order to create new clothing designs based on their geometric and semantic composition.
Development of automatic pattern retrieval methods based from 2D images.
The project i-Mannequin was implemented in the context of the Action RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE and co-financed by the European Union and national resources through the OP. Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation (EPANEK).
The project started in July 2021 and is expected to be completed in November 2023.
Scientific coordinator is Dr. Sotiris Malassiotis from CERTH/ITI.
Information Technologies Institute
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
6th Charilaou Thermis, ZIP 57001, Thessaloniki - malasiot@iti.gr
- (+30) 2311 257776