Innovation Potential

Construction of a digital pattern model, which will include geometric and semantic elements providing the ability for direct parameterization of the investigated garment.

Development of an innovative software for visualization and parameterization of the pattern, offering intervention and parameterization tools of the pattern through an interactive environment.

Development of methods for synthesizing new patterns from existing designs, implementing techniques for extracting the primary features and automatically matching them among different patterns.

Development of artificial intelligence methods for 3D garment retrieval, as well as matching tools with stored models directly from 2D images. 

I-mannequin logo

The project i-Mannequin was implemented in the context of the Action RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE and co-financed by the European Union and national resources through the OP. Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation (EPANEK).

The project started in July 2021 and is expected to be completed in November 2023.

Scientific coordinator is Dr. Sotiris Malassiotis from CERTH/ITI.
